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Many women feel fatigued and experience a lack of energy in their first trimester. That’s because there are many changes happening in a woman's body during pregnancy, especially during the first few months.
During your first trimester, there’s a sudden demand on your qi to help form the placenta and manage the hormonal shifts. This may manifest in various ways. To find a recommendation that's personalized for you, first, we look at how that is showing up physiologically. Keeping reading to find which condition best describes your current energy levels, and follow a TCM-approved treatment.
Stress affects all aspects of our lives, and it goes without saying that life has been more stressful than usual with everything going on in the world. We partnered with our friends at Youth to the People to demonstrate an at-home tool for managing stress: self-guided acupressure.
Acupressure is based on the concept of energy which flows through “meridians” in the body. In treatment, gentle pressure is applied with the fingers to acupuncture points with the aim of clearing blockages and allowing energy to flow freely through the body. Acupressure is an amazing tool for self-treating stress, anxiety, headaches and tension in the body. Add it to your at-home stress management tool box.
“By offering a combination of treatments including traditional Chinese Medicine along with advanced techniques including acupuncture, cupping, and facial acupuncture, Samantha is working to help restore her clients' bodies to optimal health. Samantha treats everything from chronic pain and migraines, to fertility and cosmetic anti-aging.”
Samantha Manka-Segal, owner of Aqu Wellness, talks about how CBD and Acupuncture work together symbiotically.
Byrdie talks with acupuncturist, Samantha Manka-Segal on how acupuncture can be a natural solution for those struggling with acne and breakouts.
Acupuncturist, Samantha Manka-Segal gives a live demonstration on what it’s like to get an acupuncture facial.
Victoria from Byrdie get’s an acupuncture facial and recounts her first hand experience, “…I was so amazed with the lit-from-within, radiant effect—which, by the way, would last several days…”
Samantha Manka-Segal gives the inside scoop on how to get clear skin and gorgeous locks the natural way.
“In addition to vitamins A, C, D and E, other significant contributors to skin health include bioflavonoids, grape-seed extract and pine bark extract, says Samantha Manka-Segal, owner of the Los Angeles-based [Aqu Wellness]. “Bioflavonoids are what give plants their vibrant colors,” Manka-Segal says. “They can significantly help reduce wrinkles and help rejuvenate skin cells by neutralizing oxidation.”
-Samantha Manka-Segal